
The Kairos Vision

A Community

Spiritually Freed

From the Effects of Imprisonment

Reaching all Impacted by Incarceration,

Through the Love, Hope, and Faith

 Found in Jesus Christ


Our Core Values

  •  Lay-led, Christ Centered Ministry

  • Empowerment while Building Accountability

  • Continuing Ministry Model to Build Community

  • Trustworthy, Respect, Love, & Stewardship

   Speed Jump to Kairos Calendars:   Inside   Outside/Torch  

So, Just What is Kairos?
Our History

The first 3-day "short course in Christianity" inside a prison was held at Union Correctional Institution in Raiford, Florida, in the fall of 1976.  It was called "Cursillo in Prison".  By 1978, several states were presenting the Cursillo in Prison program in their prisons.  As the ministry grew, Cursillo of Florida asked the group to more closely align the program with inmate needs.  In 1979 "Kairos" which in Greek means "God's Special Time", was born.  Today, this program is referred to as Kairos Inside.

In the late '80s a chaplain at San Quentin Prison sensed that incarcerated Kairos participants were now open to reuniting with their families.  The chaplain asked Kairos to create a program that might minister to the female family members of the incarcerated.  In April 1990, the second of the Kairos programs, Kairos Outside, held their first weekend in northern California.

Kairos Torch, Kairos's third program, held its first weekend program in September 1997 at a youth facility in Oklahoma.  The Torch program is directed toward young people (under 25) who are experiencing incarceration.  With well trained mentor volunteers, Torch encourages the youthful offenders to recognize their God-given potential, and help them to develop skills to lead a productive life and have hope for the future.

Kairos Prison Ministry Today
Our Future.

Kairos Inside, Kairos Outside and Kairos Torch - Three Programs which together comprise  Kairos Prison Ministry International.  Kairos is an international ministry with over 36,000 volunteers donating more than three million hours of service every single year!  These volunteers are bringing the love of Christ to more than 472 prisons and communities and in 37 states and 9 countries including Australia, Canada, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, Honduras, Peru, South Africa, and the United Kingdom.

There are also over 100 prisons worldwide which want the Kairos program, but Kairos does not have the volunteers or resources to accommodate them.

-> A Note from the Webmaster

This website is best viewed in a browser window set to a 4:3 rectangle - not an ultra wide 16:9 rectangle. We advise this as the page elements in our newly created "Our Ministries" portion spread out to the edges of the browser window and lose some of their natural formatted look, not looking as good as intended. No information is lost, just the polished look of the webpages in that section.

We strive to keep our website fresh & current; the last update to our website was on 10 Dec 2024